Weird Wonderful Work
Bronze Winner
Corporate Name of Client:Pause Home Entertainment
Agency Account Director:Henrik Adenskog
Agency:Åkestam Holst , Stockholm
Creative Director:Andreas Ullenius
Copywriter:Joakim Labraaten
Art Director:Lars Holthe
Production Manager:Anna Nolendorfs
Graphic Designer:Oscar Gardö
Director of Photography:Nisse Axman
Digital Production Company:'Goodmorning' & 'Kodapan'
Digital Director:Alex Picha
Digital Designer:Andreas Dagman
Digital PR:Kollektivet Livet
Description of the Project:
To demonstrate Pause's belief that anything is possible when it comes to custom sound systems, we put the whole campaign budget on developing a product for Pause CEO, Fredrik Hjelmquist, and his after-life. That said it all.