Public Service/Social Welfare
Ogilvy Indonesia,
Corporate Name of Client:United Nations Children's Funds
Digital Communication Officer/Unicef:Rafael Klavert
Communication For Development Specialist/Unicef:Iwan Hasan
Account Manager/OgilvyOne:Andreas Christiadi
Account Executive/Social@Ogilvy:Ridzki Syahputera
Managing Director/OgilvyOne:Julien Courant
Agency:Ogilvy Indonesia , Jakarta
Chief Creative Officer:Gustavo Asman
Copywriter:Gustavo Asman
Art Directors:Ridward Ongsano
Gerardo Blumenkrantz -
Agency Producers:Arianna Christanti
Rienaldy Achadiyat -
Creative Directors:Ridward Ongsano
Gerardo Blumenkrantz-
Description of the Project:
In Indonesia, challenges like malaria and diarrhea are not new, and far from over. To make things worse, after decades of being exposed to this reality, even caring people become immune to it. For our message to be seen, we decided to hide it. We partnered with local online communities and websites. Once users wanted to sign up or leave comments, we captured their undivided attention with our message. By turning a familiar device into something unexpected, we helped make familiar social issues noticeable again. And more importantly, helped Unicef make a difference.